Vibrant Homes

Of all the sights of Charleston Landing the breathtaking homes are most certainly the highlight of the neighborhood. From the vibrant colors to the front porches these homes pay homage to a historic architectural style deeply rooted to our area.

Lot owners are encouraged to bring their own builders to the neighborhood with the understanding that all homes are subject to the approval of our Architectural Review Board (ARC).

Here is an excerpt from our master ARC Design & Construction Guidelines document.

Charleston Landing Community

Charleston Landing is a unique residential community located on the South Carolina coast. The development has been master planned based on contextual history, present day physical amenities and the future goals of community life. Designed with the classic elegance of a Charlestonian architectural vernacular, this community is and should be reminiscent of the antebellum American south.

Great care has been taken in the planning, design and development phases to ensure aesthetic harmony within Charleston Landing. By encouraging quality and attention to proper detailing throughout the community, the natural beauty of the development, architectural harmony in design and overall property values within Charleston Landing will be protected, enhanced and preserved.

For more information on our ARC Guidelines, please download the full document via this link: committee 

Architectural Review Committee Design & Construction Guidelines Application & Review Procedures

While all of the homes in our community are built with a specific style in mind, the variety of lot sizes enable the construction of a wide range of spacious designs. Paved alleyways behind most lots help to minimize the visual appearance of garages and emphasize the architecture of the home.

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Welcome the 2024-2025 Board of Directors"

President-Cheri Mcleod
V-President - Diane Kerley
Secretary - Andrea Pegram
Treasurer - Wes Barrow
Director at Large - Jeff McIntosh

The City of NMB has started work on Heidlesway Drive for Connections for the Sea Chase Development. This will entail closing off Tarpon Pond for several days barring any unforeseen issues starting Monday December 11th.. They will install Road Closed signs and neighbors will be required to take alternate routes temporarily.

The Private Drive that intersects Heidlesway Drive will be closed to traffic for an indefinite time. Barricades are supposed to be installed blocking off the Private Drives to vehicles, golf carts and pedestrian traffic at this intersection.

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